
Clipping News:フロンティアコーポ・メディック:So-netブログ

1.エイズ感染者3400万人以上 国連の2010年末推計
2.シンガポールの医療大手が日本進出 医療ツーリズム開拓
4.米国に欧州流行の大腸菌か ドイツから帰国の3人
5.欧州のO104、毒性高い新種か WHO、感染拡大で
7.うつ病診断が簡単に 鶴岡のHMTが検査法開発
15.重症喘息 Vol.2 明らかになってきた喘息重症化の機序
21.J&J's Prostate Cancer Drug Extends Life While Spurring $5 Billion Market
22.Popular Blood Pressure Meds Not Linked to Cancer, FDA Says
23.Deadly E. Coli Strain in Europe Should Serve as Warning, Experts Say
24.More Stroke Patients Get Clot-Busting Drug But Barriers Remain
25.Low-Carb, High-Fat Diets May Not Pose Risk to Arteries
26.Obesity Greater Risk for Fatty Liver Than Alcohol, Study Finds
27.中央社会保険医療協議会 総会(第191回)
1) EHEC outbreak: Increase in cases in Germany
2) FDA: Breast thermography not a substitute for mammography
3) FDA: Treatment with angiotensin receptor blockers for high blood pressure does not increase risk of cancer
4) Autism blurs distinctions between brain regions
5) Statement of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., and Jack Whitescarver, Ph.D., National Institutes of Health, on the 30th anniversary of the first reported cases of AIDS

1.エイズ感染者3400万人以上 国連の2010年末推計


2.シンガポールの医療大手が日本進出 医療ツーリズム開拓




4.米国に欧州流行の大腸菌か ドイツから帰国の3人


5.欧州のO104、毒性高い新種か WHO、感染拡大で




7.うつ病診断が簡単に 鶴岡のHMTが検査法開発




AFPBB News2011年6月3日


蚊を寄せ付けない「におい分子」を特定したと、米カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校(University of California at Riverside)などの研究チームが1日、発表した。革新的で安価な防虫剤の開発につながる可能性があり、マラリア予防研究においては近年になく画期的な発見だ。
 今回の結果について米国立衛生研究所(National Institutes of Health)のマーク・ストップファー(Mark Stopfer)氏は、「蚊に対する有望な防御策が目の前に開けた」と述べながらも、「蚊は人間の汗や皮膚のにおいにも引き寄せられる。また、開発された化学物質の人体への安全性テストは一度も行われていない」と注意を促している。




コヴィディエンジャパンは、腹壁ヘルニア手術に使うメッシュで、国内で初めてコラーゲンフィルム付きの半吸収性メッシュ「パリテックス コンポジット メッシュ」を1日に発売する。同社にとって腹壁ヘルニア用メッシュとして初の製品となる。


北村 正樹=慈恵医大病院薬剤部


栄研化学は、喀痰検体から短時間で結核菌を検出するキット「Loopamp 結核菌群検出試薬キット」と、検査に必要な「Loopamp PURE DNA抽出キット」、「Loopamp 蛍光測定部付恒温装置LF-160」、「PureLAMP heater」を6月1日に発売した。
 検出においては、結核菌に特異的な遺伝子配列を認識するプライマーを用いた結核菌遺伝子の増幅反応により、結核菌の有無を判定する。検査時間は、核酸抽出に約10分、増幅反応が約40分だ(67.0℃)。濁度測定装置で増幅の有無を検出するため、電気泳動を必要としない。測定には、リアルタイム濁度測定装置か、「Loopamp 蛍光測定部付恒温装置LF-160」などの紫外線照射装置を用いる。
 「Loopamp 結核菌群検出試薬キット」の標準小売価格は1キット48テスト分で5万7600円。「Loopamp 結核菌群検出試薬キット」は1キット96テスト分で9万6000円、「Loopamp PURE DNA抽出キット」は1キット90テスト分で8万6400円、「Loopamp 蛍光測定部付恒温装置LF-160」は68万円、「PureLAMP heater」は31万7000円となっている。



15.重症喘息 Vol.2 明らかになってきた喘息重症化の機序






写真3 ●喘息気道上皮層における杯細胞増生(玉置氏による)



図6●The Alair Bronchial Thermoplasty System(Asthmatx社)による気管支熱形成術
気管支鏡に専用の器具を装着し、ラジオ波熱エネルギーで気管支を10 秒程度、熱焼灼する。
 米国やブラジル、英国など世界6カ国30施設で行われた「Air2 Trial」では、ブデソニド1000μg/日以上と長時間作用性β2刺激薬(LABA)を吸入している重症喘息患者288人を、「気管支鏡のみを行う群」と「気管支鏡+気管支熱形成術を行う群」に割り付けて検討した(無作為割付、一重盲検化試験)。その結果、気管支熱形成術を行った群でQOLの改善や増悪の減少、ER受診の減少といった効果が有意に見られた(CastroM et al: Am J Respir Crit Care Med2010;181:116-24.)。


第1世代の抗てんかん薬の胎内曝露は出生異常リスクを約3倍に高めることが明らかになっている。だが、第2世代抗てんかん薬の胎児に対する影響は明確になっていない。このほどデンマークStatens Serum InstitutのDitte Molgaard-Nielsen氏らが行った過去最大規模のコホート研究で、妊娠初期にそれらの薬剤を使用しても、胎児への悪影響を心配する必要はないことが示された。論文は、JAMA誌2011年5月18日号に掲載された。
 原題は「Newer-Generation 18 and the Risk of Major Birth Defects」

【原題】Intubation with the Airtraq vs. Macintosh Laryngoscope by Novices

Intubation times were shorter and glottic views were better with the Airtraq.
The Airtraq is an optical laryngoscope that uses lenses, mirrors, and a lightemitting diode to visualize the trachea indirectly. In a clinical trial in Italy, 108 elective surgery patients were randomized to undergo intubation with a Macintosh direct laryngoscope or an Airtraq laryngoscope by first-year anesthesia residents who had no prior experience using either device. Before randomization, each resident received a 2-hour demonstration of both laryngoscopes and practiced on a manikin; each resident used one device throughout the study.
Mean time to intubation was significantly less with the Airtraq than the Macintosh laryngoscope (40 vs. 50 seconds). The Intubation Difficulty Scale score (table) was ≦1 (a score of 0 = ideal intubation) in significantly more Airtraq than Macintosh intuba - tions (76% vs. 37%). A grade I Cormack- Lehane glottic view was obtained in significantly more patients in the Airtraq group than the Macintosh group (87% vs. 46%). Optimization maneuvers to improve glottic view were required significantly less frequently with the Airtraq (2% vs. 33%).
In this group of novice clinicians, the Airtraq outperformed the Macintosh laryngoscope. These findings augment similar results from a study that evaluated use of the devices by experienced intubators in patients with difficult airways (Anaesthesia 2008; 63:182). The Airtraq is inexpensive, has a rapid learning curve, and likely provides superior intubating conditions to direct laryngoscopy, even for novices.
― Emily L. Brown, MD, and Ron M. Walls, MD, FRCPC, FAAEM, Journal Watch Emergency Medicine
Di Marco P et al. Learning curves of the Airtraq and the Macintosh laryngoscopes for tracheal intubation by novice laryngoscopists: A clinical study. Anesth Analg 2011 Jan; 112:122.



感染性心内膜炎のリスクが高いと思われる患者に対する抗菌薬の予防的投与は、いまだ多くの国で行われているが、英国国立医療技術評価機構(NICE)は2008年3月に、歯科の侵襲的治療に先立って行われる同抗菌薬予防的投与の完全中止を勧告した。シェフィールド大学臨床歯科学部門のMartin H Thornhill氏らは、このNICEガイドライン導入前後の同処置変化および感染性心内膜炎発生率の変化を調査した。BMJ誌2011年5月21日号(オンライン版2011年5月3日号)掲載より。


抗血栓薬とプロトンポンプ阻害薬(PPI)との併用は抗血栓効果を減弱し心血管リスクを高めるとの報告に大きな注目が集まっているなか、デンマーク・コペンハーゲン大学病院循環器部門のMette Charlot氏らが、アスピリンとPPIの併用による心血管リスクについて、同国内診療データを基に後ろ向き解析を行った。初発心筋梗塞後で同併用を受けている患者について調査した結果、有害心血管イベントリスク上昇との関連が認められたと報告している。BMJ誌2011年5月21日号(オンライン版2011年5月11日号)掲載より。


文献:Belch J et al.Effect of fibroblast growth factor NV1FGF on amputation and death: a randomised placebo-controlled trial of gene therapy in critical limb ischaemia.The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 31 May 2011.

21.J&J's Prostate Cancer Drug Extends Life While Spurring $5 Billion Market

Dennis Prestholdt credits the past three years of his life to Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)'s Zytiga, the first prostate cancer pill to win U.S. marketing approval in a family of treatments that offer new ways to stymie the male hormones that fuel tumor growth.
Prestholdt, 67, a retired engineer at Honeywell International Inc., began taking Zytiga in 2008 as part of a clinical trial. On April 28, the drug was cleared for sale and, within five years, may generate $2.1 billion a year, said Jami Rubin, a Goldman Sachs Group Inc. analyst in New York.
The J&J drug may be a harbinger, said Eric Schmidt, a Cowen & Co. analyst. Similar medicines from Medivation Inc. (MDVN) and Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. will report study results this weekend at the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in Chicago. If approved, they would combine with Zytiga and other treatments to boost the market for prostate cancer therapies to $5 billion by 2015 from less than $1 billion now, Schmidt said.
"It's stunning how much innovation has taken place in the last five to six years," Schmidt said in a telephone interview. "It is never a great time to be a prostate cancer patient, but it sure beats a few years ago when the pipeline was barren."
While these drugs don't cure the disease, the therapies give doctors options to help patients live longer, said Charles Ryan, a medical oncologist and prostate cancer researcher at the University of California, San Francisco.
Tripling Survival Time
"If you go back to 1985 and ask what happened to a guy with advanced prostate cancer who went on hormone therapy, the answer is he lived about 12 months," said Ryan, who is treating Prestholdt. Using treatments approved in the past year, "you can probably triple that," he said in an interview.
Medivation's drug, called MDV3100, "has the potential to really add to the mix," Ryan said.
The medicine from the San Francisco-based company, developed with Astellas Pharma Inc. (4503) of Tokyo, may win U.S. approval by 2013 and reach annual sales of $1.7 billion by 2017, said Howard Liang, a Leerink Swann & Co. analyst in Boston.
The Millennium unit of Osaka, Japan-based Takeda is testing TAK700, a product similar to Zytiga, in late-stage trials that may be completed by 2013 or 2014, Nancy Simonian, Millenium's chief medical officer, said in a telephone interview.
About 218,000 U.S. men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and 32,000 die each year from the disease, according to the American Cancer Society. If a tumor is confined to the prostate, the walnut-sized gland between the bladder and urethra, patients may seek surgery or radiation to eliminate it. Or they may do nothing because a slow-growing prostate tumor may not alter an older man's life expectancy.
Cancer Spread
In about 15 percent of men with prostate tumors, the cancer will spread, according to the National Cancer Institute. For these patients, no cure exists. Treatments aim to keep the testicles from producing testosterone and other male hormones known as androgens, which prostate cancer cells use to grow.
One way is to surgically remove the testicles. Another treatment is a form of chemical castration called androgen deprivation using drugs such as Abbott Laboratories' Lupron or AstraZeneca Plc's Casodex.
These drugs "always work, but over time the treatment fails, usually after two years or sometimes longer," said Matthew Smith, an oncologist and prostate cancer specialist at Harvard Medical School in Boston.
The effort to block testosterone fails when the adrenal gland or the tumor begins making small amounts of androgen that kick-start new cancer growth, Ryan said. In the past, there was no way to stop that androgen.
New Theory
Zytiga from New Brunswick, New Jersey-based J&J changed the thinking by targeting an enzyme called CYP17 that helps make androgens outside the testicles. Stop it and you cut off a tumor's androgen "fuel supply," Ryan said.
Hormone therapy kept Prestholdt's illness in check for 10 years before his levels of PSA, a protein associated with prostate cancer, began to climb, signaling the disease was again on the march. He conducted research on the Internet and learned about Ryan's clinical trial of Zytiga, then known as abiraterone acetate. He e-mailed the doctor, visited, and in early 2008 began taking the pill as part of the study.
Given to patients with advanced prostate cancer who had stopped responding to standard hormone treatments and chemotherapy, Zytiga boosted survival from 11 months to 15 months, a study found.
PSA Levels Plunge
Prestholdt and patients in a smaller trial received the pill before getting chemotherapy and many got more benefit. Within two months of starting treatment, Prestholdt's PSA level plunged to zero, where it remains 40 months later, Ryan said.
Medivation's drug was discovered by researcher Charles Sawyers at the University of California, Los Angeles. He found what he calls the chief culprit in prostate cancer -- proteins known as androgen receptors that sit on the surface of tumor cells and act to switch on cancer-promoting processes.
"The androgen receptor is the business end of this whole pathway," Sawyers, who now works at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, said in a telephone interview. "It's an oncogene" -- a cancer-promoting gene -- "for prostate cancer that turns on a whole repertoire of other genes."
Sawyers and his team looked for a compound to block the receptor. The result was the drug now known as MDV3100. Sawyers told David Hung, Medivation's chief executive officer and an old medical school classmate, about his findings, and Hung licensed the rights and put the medicine into clinical trials.
Early Studies
An early stage trial of 140 men showed that after 12 weeks on the drug, PSA levels were cut in half in 62 percent of those who hadn't been treated with chemotherapy and 51 percent of those who had, according to a company presentation in April. Takeda's experimental medicine reduced PSA levels by half or more in as many as 63 percent of 96 men who hadn't previously received chemotherapy, according to an early study to be presented at the cancer meeting.
MDV3100 acts on the most important driver of prostate cancer growth, while Zytiga exercises an indirect effect, knocking down testosterone levels to keep the androgen receptor from turning on, Hung and Sawyers said. Having multiple treatments may provide alternatives when tumors become resistant to one drug and stop responding, Ryan said.
"If you have drugs that work on different mechanisms, you can go from mechanism A to B to C and hit the cancer at three different weak points, from different angles," Ryan said.
J&J's drug may boost blood pressure, lower potassium and increase fluid retention, raising the risk of heart disease. To reduce these risks, patients take it with steroids.
Prestholdt also manages side effects such as fatigue and regular hot flashes normally associated with female menopause. A thick, absorbent T-shirt and a sense of humor help, he said. So does staying active.
"I'm basically enjoying my life at this point and hoping I can keep going as long as I can," Prestholdt said.

22.Popular Blood Pressure Meds Not Linked to Cancer, FDA Says
U.S. health authorities complete safety review, exonerate angiotensin-receptor blockers
HealthDay News2011年6月2日

A class of drugs widely used to treat high blood pressure doesn't boost the risk of cancer, as a recent analysis suggested, U.S. health authorities announced Thursday.
The drugs are known as angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs) and include medicines such as telmisartan (Micardis), losartan (Cozaar), valsartan (Diovan) and candesartan (Atacand).
The determination comes from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which just concluded a safety review of the drugs.
"It is comforting to have this data to support what we clinically felt was true," said Dr. Joseph Diamond, director of nuclear cardiology at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park, NY.
FDA undertook the review after a meta-analysis appearing in July 2010 in The Lancet found a "modestly increased risk" -- about 10 percent -- of cancer diagnoses among people taking ARBs, and a smaller increased risk of death from cancer.
Until that report, there had been very little concern about the safety of the drugs.
"It's a drug that's been out for a very long time so we have a lot of clinical experience with it," Diamond said.
In fact, he added, many physicians were skeptical when the Lancet findings were first announced. "That study really was not designed to look for cancer," he said.
Dr. Cheryl Laffer, an associate professor of internal medicine in the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, said that she and other physicians weren't worried when that study came out, but many patients were.
"The ARBs are probably the most widely used class of medications for patients with high blood pressure," said Diamond. "They're used in patients with general hypertension and particularly in patients who may have hypertension with diabetes or hypertension with kidney disease."
The drugs are given once a day and have some added benefit in protecting the kidneys from the ravages of high blood pressure and diabetes, he added.
"They're better tolerated than ACE inhibitors [another type of blood pressure medication]" but have the same effect, said Laffer, who is also senior staff of medicine/hypertension at Scott & White in Temple. "Their side effect profile is no bigger than placebo."
The FDA review looked at 31 trials involving a total of more than 155,000 patients who had been randomized to receive either ARBs or another hypertension treatment.
As far as Laffer is concerned, the FDA report is definitive. "I think they did their job. They looked at all analyses which had used ARBs as compared to anything and they found no overall increased risk. They looked at hundreds of thousands of people," she said.
More information
The American Heart Association has more on blood pressure medications.
SOURCES: Joseph Diamond, M.D., director of nuclear cardiology, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, New Hyde Park, NY; Cheryl Laffer, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of internal medicine, Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine and senior staff of medicine/hypertension, Scott & White, Temple

23.Deadly E. Coli Strain in Europe Should Serve as Warning, Experts Say
Though unlikely to spread to U.S. shores, dangerous strains of bacteria becoming more common
HealthDay News2011年6月2日

The emergence of an unusually dangerous strain of E. coli bacteria in Europe should serve as a red flag for U.S. health officials, experts say.
"Bacteria are constantly mutating and changing. They're not necessarily becoming more severe, but they are becoming more different," said Dr. Bruce Hirsch, an attending physician in infectious diseases at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y. "The fact that a strain can pop up like this and cause hundreds of cases and scores of mortalities [shows that] we have to be ever ready for the emergence of new strains."
Hirsch added that he thought it was "extremely unlikely" that this particular strain of E. coli would cross the Atlantic. One possible reason: little produce -- believed to be the source of the contamination -- is imported to the United States from Europe.
"So far, it looks like a European problem," added Vernon Tesh, associate chair of microbial and molecular pathogenesis at the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine in Bryan.
In Europe, the E. coli outbreak has killed 18 people and sickened at least 1,600, primarily in northern Germany, which appears to be the epicenter of the problem. The illness is unusually severe, with some 500 -- or nearly a third of those affected -- developing a potentially life-threatening kidney problem called hemolytic uremic syndrome.
This compares to about 10 percent of people developing acute renal failure from the more common form of E. coli 0157:H7, Tesh said. The German strain is 0104:H4.
There have been a handful of cases reported in the United States, but only among travelers who have returned from Germany.
The new strain is also unusual in that it seems to be hitting primarily women and adults rather than children and the elderly.
"This one is new, and it's much more severe," said Hirsch.
"It's alarming," Tesh added. "We really don't want to deal with this microorganism."
Early research suggests that the new lethal strain evolved from two different E. coli bacteria with aggressive genes.
"These E. coli are extremely plastic [flexible] in their genome. They're able to move pieces of DNA around so they can acquire new genes," Tesh said. "It looks to me that we're seeing is a strain of E. coli that has acquired not only the toxin gene but it's acquired a set of genes that allows it to adhere quite efficiently to the human intestinal tract."
Consumers should take the same precautions with food they always have, Tesh advised, which means keeping meat, particularly raw hamburger or raw beef, separate from other foods, washing cutting boards after they've had meat on them and washing fruits and vegetables thoroughly.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, E. coli is a common bacteria that lives in the intestines of animals and people. There are many strains of E. coli. Most are harmless.
But other strains, such E. coli O157:H7 can cause sickness. Some people, especially children under 5 and the elderly, can become very sick. The infection damages their red blood cells and their kidneys. This only happens to about 1 out of 50 people, but it is serious. Without hospital care, they can die. See a doctor right away if you think you may have gotten sick from E. coli O157:H7, the CDC advises.
More information
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have more on E. coli.
SOURCES: Vernon Tesh, Ph.D., professor and associate chair, microbial and molecular pathogenesis, Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, Bryan; Bruce Hirsch, M.D., attending physician, infectious diseases, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, N.Y.

24.More Stroke Patients Get Clot-Busting Drug But Barriers Remain
Getting people to seek immediate treatment is a major hurdle, experts say
HealthDay News2011年6月2日

Use of a life-saving clot-busting drug to treat ischemic strokes nearly doubled from 2005 through 2009, but the rates still remain too low, a new study finds.
Acute ischemic stroke occurs when a blood clot cuts off blood supply to the brain. Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is the only thrombolytic (clot-dissolving) drug approved to treat this type of stroke in the United States, and it can stave off death and lasting disability, but only if it is administered within 3 to 4.5 hours of stroke onset.
"Overall, tPA treatment rates are improving, but the proportion of ischemic stroke patients receiving the therapy remains very small," said study author Dr. Opeolu Adeoye, an assistant professor of emergency medicine and neurosurgery at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio. "The delayed hospital arrival in the majority of stroke patients is probably the most important factor contributing to low treatment rates."
The findings are published June 2 in the journal Stroke.
In the study, researchers used Medicare records and pharmacy billing codes to see if tPA use had increased in response to measures aimed at improving access to this treatment.
In 2005, 1.1 percent to 1.4 percent of acute ischemic stroke patients received a thrombolytic drug, and 3.4 percent to 3.7 percent received one in 2009.
But after adjusting the numbers to account for billing or coding errors, the researchers found that as many as 5.2 percent -- or about 36,000 of the 700,000 Americans who had an ischemic stroke in 2009 -- received tPA. The study did not track individuals after hospital discharge, so it does not provide any data on how they fared following treatment. The presumption is that the tPA did preserve function and prevent lasting stroke-related disability.
"Increasing public awareness of stroke signs and symptoms, and earlier hospital arrival by stroke patients remain important goals for improving treatment rates further," Adeoye said. "The treatment can only be given in the first few hours after a stroke, but many patients delay seeking care, hoping the symptoms will go away," he noted.
"If someone is suspected of having a stroke, 911 should be called and the person immediately transported to the nearest stroke-ready emergency department," Adeoye explained.
Dr. Irene Katzan, director of the Primary Stroke Center at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, said that the new study is great news and confirms what she has seen in her practice. It is gratifying to see that slowly things are moving along, she added.
In stroke care, the mantra is the sooner the better when it comes to tPA use, but a lot has to happen in a very short period of time. Also, some strokes may occur during sleep so the time of onset of symptoms may be unknown, experts have noted.
Stroke symptoms may include sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg (particularly on one side of the body), trouble speaking or understanding speech, sudden vision problems, sudden trouble walking, dizziness or balance issues, and a severe headache with no other cause.
If someone has a stroke and 911 is called, the ambulance must get them to a stroke center as soon as possible, Katzan said, and there must be processes in place in the hospital to evaluate them rapidly. She said tPA can't be used in bleeding strokes or in individuals taking blood-thinning drugs, with high blood pressure or high blood sugar (glucose) levels. Also, there are state mandates that direct emergency medical services to take patients with acute strokes to the closest stroke center.
"Then the patient would fly through the emergency room, get evaluated with a CAT scan and have blood work within minutes, and if they are a candidate, the intravenous tPA is started," Katzan said.
For this to occur, "everything has to be working correctly," she explained.
When the drug is administered in the right patient, it can work wonders. "Ideally, the person's stroke symptoms are minimal to none three months after the stroke," Katzan said.
Dr. Roger Bonomo, director of stroke care at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, said that although there is room for improvement, "it's good news that tPA is being used more."
But obstacles remain. "We need to get people to come to the hospital sooner rather than waiting a while to see if the stroke symptoms get better on their own," he said.
More information
Find out about stroke's warning signs at the American Heart Association.
SOURCES: Opeolu Adeoye, M.D., assistant professor, emergency medicine and neurosurgery, University of Cincinnati; Irene Katzan, M.D., director, Primary Stroke Center, Cleveland Clinic; Roger Bonomo, M.D., director, stroke care, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City; June 2, 2011, Stroke

25.Low-Carb, High-Fat Diets May Not Pose Risk to Arteries
Short-term studies found no harm to vascular health
HealthDay News2011年6月2日

New research suggests that low-carbohydrate diets, with regular exercise as part of the plan, don't appear to harm the arteries, as some experts have feared.
"It's pretty clear low-carb is effective for weight loss," said study author Kerry J. Stewart, director of clinical and research exercise physiology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and its Heart and Vascular Institute. "The concern has been that because you are eating more fat this is going to put stress on your blood vessels."
So, Stewart and his team evaluated the short-term effects of a low-carb, higher-fat diet after a single meal. The researchers also compared a low-carb diet with a low-fat diet in dieters. In each case, they found no ill effects on blood vessel health.
Stewart is due to present his findings Friday at the American College of Sports Medicine meeting in Denver.
However, one nutrition expert said longer-term research is needed before concluding that high fat intake doesn't hurt blood vessel health.
For the first study, Stewart's team looked at the effects of eating an extremely high-fat McDonald's breakfast. The breakfast had more than 900 calories and 50 grams of fat. "That's half of what you should eat in a whole day," Stewart said.
The researchers then evaluated a marker of arterial stiffness and another measure of blood vessel health, known as endothelial function. "Even after eating this one meal, we didn't find any vascular changes from before to after," he said.
The arterial stiffness, in fact, improved, he noted, although he is not sure why.
Neither study had industry funding; both were financed by the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
For the diet study, Stewart assigned 55 men and women who were overweight or obese to the low-carb diet or a low-fat diet. They also had abdominal obesity and a large waist circumference (35 inches or more for women, 40 or more for men). Both are risk factors for heart disease.
The low-carb plan included up to 55 percent fat at the beginning, and phased down to about 40 percent. It had about 15 percent carbs initially, and then went to 40 percent. The other dieters followed the American Heart Association's low-fat diet, with no more than 30 percent fat a day.
Both groups had supervised exercise three times a week.
At the meeting, Stewart will report on 46 dieters, 23 from each group, who lost 10 pounds. "In the low-carb group, they reached the 10-pound loss at 45 days," he said. The low-fat group needed 70 days to shed 10 pounds.
Their calorie intake was similar, whichever diet they were on.
Stewart performed the same blood vessel measures as in the breakfast study. "There were no differences in any of the vascular measures," he said.
The researchers will continue the study for six months. While Stewart cautioned that these are initial findings, he added, "We are pretty confident this is a real result. At the 10-pound weight-loss mark, we don't see any harm to the vasculature."
Stewart said he put on weight a few years ago, went on a low-carb plan while also exercising and dropped 40 pounds. He has kept if off for four years.
While the study is intriguing, long-term research is crucial, said Connie Diekman, director of university nutrition at Washington University in St. Louis and past president of the American Dietetic Association.
"When it comes to the impact on blood vessel functioning, as a registered dietitian I would like to see more studies in healthy and unhealthy subjects and longer-duration studies before concluding that this high-fat intake does not impact blood vessel health," she said, although the study does show that exercise is important. The breakfast study, with its one-time test, does not provide much information about what impact these diets will have long-term, she added.
More information
To learn more about losing weight, visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
SOURCES: Kerry J. Stewart, Ed.D., professor, medicine, and director, clinical and research exercise physiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and Heart and Vascular Institute, Baltimore; Connie Diekman, R.D., director, university nutrition, Washington University, St. Louis; June 3, 2011, presentation, American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting, Denver

26.Obesity Greater Risk for Fatty Liver Than Alcohol, Study Finds
Moderate amounts of red wine had no ill effect and even improved cholesterol levels, researchers say
HealthDay News2011年6月2日

Obesity and insulin resistance constitute a greater risk for fatty liver disease than moderate alcohol consumption, according to a new study that found drinking modest amounts of red wine posed no greater risk for developing the condition.
For their study, published online May 23 in Annals of Medicine, Swedish researchers instructed 44 people to either abstain from alcohol or drink one (women) or two (men) glasses of red wine a day for three months. At the beginning and end of the three months, the investigators collected blood samples and conducted MRIs to measure the fatty content of participants' livers.
"It turned out that the amount of fat in the liver was linked with obesity and insulin resistance and was almost not at all affected by the red wine. Specifically, after three months, none of the wine drinkers had developed fatty liver or elevated liver transaminases," Dr. Stergios Kechagias, a liver specialist at Linkoping University, said in a news release from the Swedish Research Council.
Moreover, the study found a 16 percent decrease in levels of harmful LDL cholesterol among those who drank the red wine. "There is a strong correlation between moderate intake of alcohol and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, and our data provides a mechanism for this since LDL cholesterol was lowered to such a large extent," Dr. Fredrik Nystrom, a professor at Linkoping, concluded in the news release.
Because it's known that large amounts of alcohol contribute to liver disease, it was long thought that even moderate consumption might have a harmful effect.
Fatty liver, which is associated with diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, the researchers noted.
More information
The U.S. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases has more information on fatty liver disease.
SOURCE: Swedish Research Council, news release, May 30, 2011

27.中央社会保険医療協議会 総会(第191回)


1) EHEC outbreak: Increase in cases in Germany

2) FDA: Breast thermography not a substitute for mammography

3) FDA: Treatment with angiotensin receptor blockers for high blood pressure does not increase risk of cancer

4) Autism blurs distinctions between brain regions

5) Statement of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., and Jack Whitescarver, Ph.D., National Institutes of Health, on the 30th anniversary of the first reported cases of AIDS

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